
Monday, August 25, 2008

Another Tegan Update

We had a doctors appt. Friday. We found out Tegan's MRI results. It shows that Tegan has Chiari 1 Malformation. It means that Tegan's cerebellam is not formed right. We will be talking with the Nuroligist at Riley in Oct. I am to call and see if we can't get an cancelled appt. So we can see the Nuroligist sooner. I will have more to report after that appt.
Thanks for all the prayers!!!


my life said...

Word of advice . Since he has been diax already you need to see A Neurosurgeon not a Neurologist . There are several chiari experts for Children . Dr. Frim in Chicago , Dr. Menenz in Iowa city , Iowa

my life said...

email me further fo r more info if you would like


lace1070 said...

Hi ~ I found your post from a google alert for chiari ~ I am a chiarian who's been blogging for over a year now and have lots of info about chiari on my sidebar. Here's my address if you want to check it out ~ http://livelovelaugh-lace1013.blogspot.com/

Know that you are not alone in this journey ~ Hugs ` Lace

von said...

thank you all chiari moms. your input is appreciated.
the grandma.

Yvette said...

Thank you so much for leaving your comments!
I should have said Neurosurgeon! Thanks for correcting me! Thank you for sharing other Dr.s too.
I really apperciate your feed back and willingness to share with me!
I will be in touch.