
Monday, February 2, 2009

Tiffany Lost Another Tooth!

Tiffany lost another tooth!! She was upstairs watching t.v. Down she came with another tooth. I was quit surprised to say the least. Her two adult teeth are already poking through.
It was hard getting this picture. Tiffany did not want to hold still and Tegan was getting into the guitars. It's been crazy around here. Mostly due to Tegan, he is feeling better so he is now making up for all that time he was sick. :) He is feeling so much better. Praise God!
Tristan and Tiffany are doing well in school. They have made some great friends. I am so proud of them!

1 comment:

Shelby-Grace said...

Lookin' good Tiffany!! Shelby's second tooth is really loose, but not out yet! Can't wait to hear you play something on your guitar. Hopefully sometime soon I'll get to hear you!