
Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Dentist Office

Today we went to the dentist for the kids regular cleaning.
Tiffany did a great job getting her teeth cleaned.
Tristan on the other hand has been scared of going to the dentist. Tristan has no enamel on his teeth. So we have been to the dentist a lot in 7 years. He also does NOT like to loose a tooth. Tristan has one more front tooth to loose. Tristan has it down to a fine art to keep a loose tooth from coming out until the dentist has to pull it due to an infection. This tooth is hanging on by a thread. He is afraid of the pain as it comes out. He's afraid the dentist is going to pull it. He is right to have those fears. Once the doctor came and we got a good look in his mouth his gums were all swollen around the loose tooth. I made sure that the doctor was going to pull it. Tristan then went into screaming and crying. Tristan is more afraid of the pain it could cause than anything else. He is wired like his Uncle Kris. Once the tooth was out he is fine other than he now feels like he has been through a traumatic experience.
Tristan is a lucky little man, the tooth fairy usually meets us at Game Stop after a tooth is pulled by the dentist. Tiffany doesn't even ask for anything while there. I think she thinks this will happen for her. She will be disappointed to find that the tooth fairy will visit her as she sleeps.
The rest of the day we are resting at Grandma and Grandpa Sorensens. Here is Tristan getting his prize from the dentist.

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